Here are the benefits you get by signing up now:
– You will be the first to know when the done-for-you digital products launch before anyone else (this is important, and I tell you why a bit later in this benefit list)
– You will get access to bonus goodies to help you on the marketing front worth over $300 absolutely FREE
– You will get INSANE surprises that NO ONE ELSE will have access to (and trust me, you’ll kick yourself if you miss out on them… the gifted bonus is just the beginning)
– *** You will get first dibs on these products that have LIMITED resell rights meaning that I am choosing to only sell a limited amount of each product with resell rights so that you aren’t competing with millions of other people selling the same thing! This gives you a HUGE competitive edge ***
– When the products launch you only have to pay one time, and THAT’S IT! There’s no catch, subscriptions, or anything else.